How to Dress Like Selena Gomez in 'Bad Blood'

June 28, 2015

From a play-it-safe country chanteuse, Taylor Swift has morphed into a kick-ass pop tart not afraid to play up her progressive (Meredith? Olivia?) side. Millions of viewers saw that facet of hers at least in the music video for "Bad Blood," which promptly broke a VEVO record within 24 hours of its release. For the video, Taylor rounded up her ever-populous cadre of famous friends, including OG BFF Selena Gomez, to slip into $13,000 worth of clothes from a Los Angeles-based sex shop called The Stockroom (NSFW).

If you're not really a die-hard Swiftie, the biggest of your #squadgoals would probably be the outfits Selena wore to the video. We've got you covered, so no bad blood between us, okurr?

In character as the deceptive Arsyn, Selena wore The Stockroom's $360 Syren latex blouse called the Garbo. Guaranteed to "help you project your inner vintage film diva," the Garbo blouse has a high collar with a pussy bow and flows into bishop sleeves. You may not notice it from the video but the blouse is actually transparent. Of the blouse's 30 or so colored variants, Selena was given the black version.

Selena then paired her showstopping top with an ass-kicking mini-skirt, tights, and pumps, all in sable. She capped it all off with a black blunt wig — a nod perhaps to brunette Katy Perry, rumored to be the real-life object of animus in the "Bad Blood" lyrics. 

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